I'd written quite a lot of today's happened but when I went to check something else I'd lost the lot! I thought it automatically saved but it seems to have all departed.
I'll see if I can remember what I said.
I left the Lake before nine and wondered what a little triangle with an ! in the middle meant. I stopped and turned the engine off and the triangle didn't reappear. It stayed in my head though so I eventually stopped and looked in the Manual. It was the ATC - Automatic Traction Control - and it comes on if one of the rear wheels spins. I'd been on sand leaving the camp and that was what did it.
Left meant gravel but quicker - right meant sealed but slower - I went right!
The new free RV Campground at Collinsville is great and I used it to refill my water tanks
(Sorry I clipped the edge)
After that I did some shopping because I was out of nearly everything including milk. Having done that I felt hungry and as it was lunchtime I had a Curried Chicken Pie, a Custard Tart and a coffee at the Bakery.
Yemmy was getting done on fuel and there didn't seem to be anywhere to fill up until I found a little shop with pumps on the way out of town. The gauge showed a quarter full but I didn't want to stretch it too far although I'm sure it would have made Bowen alright.
Bowen means nostalgia to me because Vi and I used to spend a lot of time there so I took a bit of a "down memory lane" tour while there today,
The park we stayed in most
The Club where we played Bingo
The Men's Shed used to be the Band Hall where I used to play with the Bowen Brass Band
This is the view from the top of Flagstaff Hill and the big island is Gloucester Island
Before leaving Bowen I visited the wharf where I bought some lovely fresh prawns and a couple of Morton Bay Bugs. Yummo!
I finally got back on the road and decided to find a quiet spot somewhere for the night. I stopped first at a siding where trucks were busy bringing loaded wagons of sugar cane and taking away empty ones. I was deciding if I'd stay there when a chap on a quad bike came to tell me that big trucks started coming there at about 3am and turned right where I was parked! That made up my mind and I
found a spot on a quiet road verge where so far only 3 vehicles have passed by . The benefit was a lovely sunset and the down side I can't get Telly although I could at the siding,
The Siding |
......and that was the end of a great day. I rang Walkamin and yes there is a place reserved for me on Monday. I think I may stay in a National Park out from Ingham tomorrow but it's really a wait and see.