Saturday, 14 July 2018

Day 48

Today was great! Ken and Sylvia picked me up at 10.30 and we went into Atherton where I picked up a bottle of Lindemans Collection Port, some nice Pepato cheese and some seeds and grains biscuits ready for our Port and cheese evening tonight - that was a lovely time with lots of old and new friends.

We had a coffee at the Bakery and then a look around a sort of better class Reject Shop where I bought a little led light to use when I'm in bed and don't want to get out when I've finished reading.

When we got back I noticed a strange vehicle in the park called a 'Farmagator':

Apparently all farms must have a 'Gator' for use around the farm. This one started it's life as a Barina but because park owner Lucy complained that they didn't have a 'Gator' at the farm, Terry converted the Barina into a 'Gator' while she was out shopping one day! It's here at the park now while Terry fixes up the Mini-Moke that does the dustbin collections and is in need of attention.

This afternoon I went for a stroll around Walkamin in the lovely sunshine and got my steps up - 4,294 steps and 3.1km!

As expected the port and cheese night was a great success with lots of great conversationss and I've just got home at 8.30. I might watch some telly or read for a while before lights out.

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